*These are suggested dates leading up to the 5K/Walk for Life – please feel free to make these announcements your own based upon your church’s schedule and printing processes. You may copy/paste the text as needed.
Sunday, September 1st*
Support Crossroads Pregnancy Care in Quakertown by participating in our annual 5K RUN & WALK FOR LIFE on Saturday, October 5th, starting with registration at 8:30 - 9:30 am. at Quakertown's Park at 4th, 301 W. Mill St.
Crossroads is dedicated to providing a full range of FREE services to women and families in need, and also alternatives to abortion.
For more information, to register to Run/Walk or to donate, go to www.crossroads5k.com
Questions? Please e-mail the Race Director, Jessica Martin: Crossroads5kwalkforlife@gmail.com
Sunday, September 8th*
At Crossroads Pregnancy Care's 5K RUN & WALK FOR LIFE.
Bring a friend & double your fun... If you both collect pledges, you’ll double the funds!
Be a partner for LIFE with Crossroads, and together our steps will make a difference for families in the Quakertown area. Register this week and do something that will make a difference for eternity! The Run/Walk is on Saturday, October 5th, starting with registration from 8:30 - 9:30 am. at Quakertown's Park at 4th, 301 W. Mill St. For more information or to register for the WALK FOR LIFE & 5K RUN go to www.crossroads5k.com
Questions? Please e-mail the Race Director, Jessica Martin: Crossroads5kwalkforlife@gmail.com
Sunday, September 15th*
Step-by-step, we can make a difference! IF YOU CAN WALK, RUN, SKIP, SCOOTER, OR ROLLERBLADE, you can join us at this year’s 5K RUN & WALK FOR LIFE to help raise funds for Crossroads Pregnancy Care of Quakertown. Crossroads provides help to women and families through education, peer counseling, pregnancy tests, limited ultrasound, classes, men’s mentoring and by showing the love of Christ.
The Walk/Run is on Saturday, October 5th, starting with registration at 8:30 - 9:30 am. at Quakertown's Park at 4th, 301 W. Mill St. For information or to register to Run/Walk, go to www.crossroads5k.com
Questions? Please e-mail the Race Director, Jessica Martin: Crossroads5kwalkforlife@gmail.com
Sunday, September 22nd*
WHAT BETTER THING COULD YOU DO ON ONE MORNING A YEAR, THAN TO HELP SAVE THE LIFE OF AN UNBORN CHILD AND TO HELP POINT A LOST SOUL TO CHRIST? Wash the car? Wash the dog? Why not take an hour or two of your time and support something that REALLY matters?
Join us on Saturday, October 5th, by registering as a Runner or Walker at Crossroads Pregnancy Care’s annual 5K RUN & WALK FOR LIFE. Registration is from 8:30 - 9:30 am; the 1 Mile Stroll begins at 10:00 AM, the 5K Run/Walk at 10:15 AM, and the Fun Run at 11:15 AM. You can walk on your own, any place, any time ☺. To register and for much more information, go to www.crossroads5k.com
Questions? Please e-mail the Race Director, Jessica Martin: Crossroads5kwalkforlife@gmail.com
Sunday, September 29th*
It’s not too late to register for Crossroads Pregnancy Care’s 5K Run & Walk for Life. Invite family, friends, and co-workers to sponsor you for next Saturday, October 5th. There will be a prize available for our top fundraiser. Earn a prize as you help save lives!
To register and for more information, go to www.crossroads5k.com
Questions? Please e-mail the Race Director, Jessica Martin: Crossroads5kwalkforlife@gmail.com